#38 Pendulum

Position: Standing

Description:  Find a table or countertop that is between hip and chest height. Place the weight on the surface to easily grab it after setting up into the position. First, stand in front of surface, giving yourself enough room to lean onto the surface with the uninjured arm extended. Next, lean onto the surface and push your weight up through the palm of your hand to keep your shoulder strong. Then, come into a staggered stance with your front leg in a slight bend in the knee (same side as extended arm) and your back leg (injured side) is fully extended behind you. From here, grab the weight with your injured arm and let your arm fall and relax under your shoulder. Begin making small movements by moving your shoulder in circles. Do the prescribed repetitions and then circle the opposite direction.

Targeted Muscle Group(s):  Rotator Cuff (Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Subscapularis)

Key Points:

  • Take this exercise slow and steady.
  • Keep your core engaged.
  • Only make movements that do not cause pain in the shoulder.

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Location Map: 106 SRP Drive Evans, GA 30809

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