#48 Lateral Banded Walking

Position: Standing

Description: Start in a ready stance (feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, hips hinged, and your arms flexed out beside you). Place a small loop band around your ankles. As you begin to step laterally, keep your knees above your ankles. Step with your leading foot and slowly control the lagging leg as it follows. Maintain tension on the band as you walk. Perform the prescribed repetitions and switch sides.

Targeted Muscle Group(s):  Leading Leg: Glutes, Abductors Lagging Leg: Hip Stabilizers

Key Points:    

  • Keep glutes activated throughout the duration of movement.
  • Maintain proper knee to ankle movement as you walk. Your knee should track 2nd and 3rd toes while walking.
  • Keep core tight to avoid arching of the back. Always maintain tension on the band.


1. Forward Banded Walks (monster walks)

2. Lateral Banded Walking above the knees

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Location Map: 106 SRP Drive Evans, GA 30809

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