Position: Standing
Description: Keep your chest up and shoulders down and back. Place the dowel in both hands. The hand of the working shoulder, the injured side, will take a supinated grip (palm up) and the assisted hand will take a pronated grip (palm down). Both thumbs should be parallel to the dowel. Start with your working arm in 90 elbow flexion next to your side. You other arm can be extended behind your body. Begin by pulling the dowel leading your working hand across your body into internal rotation. Once you have reached your end range of motion, push the dowel leading your arm away from your body into external rotation.
Targeted Muscle Group(s): Internal Rotation: Teres Major External Rotation: Infraspinatus
Key Points:
- Keep elbow by your side throughout each movement.
- Maintain 90-degree elbow flexion.
- Push and pull with assisted (non-injured) hand.